Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Abby

Dear A,

I am so lucky to be your mother. Every day you surprise me with something new you have learned. You are catching on to sign language like the words eat, more and please. You help me with the laundry by pushing the buttons and you are so good at helping me fold the laundry and listening to my "no-no" when you start to unfold the laundry. It cracks me up when you insist on sitting on the potty before our morning shower. You will hide things behind your back to try and sneak them out of the room. You independence inspires me, but your need for morning snuggles melts my heart. I love how every time I ask you what sound an animal makes it is always "rawr". Right now you are learning to put on your own shoes and feed yourself with a spoon and fork. You love to feed the rats in the morning with me and feed them at night with daddy. You know the names of each rat and will point to them as we ask you which one is which. Miss A, you are such a tease! You love to hide in the bathroom cupboards and play with mommy's makeup. We brush our hair and our teeth together in the mornings. At night daddy has to tuck you in or you have a fit. You laugh when Daddy and I call you CorLyn and come running. You love to tackle Daddy and have tickle wars. Lately you have been obsessed with blowing your nose and will bring someone a roll or toilet paper to give her some. You think you are one of the big kids and are outside keeping up with them every step of the way. You love everyone you meet and every person always says you have touched them in such a special way.

In a couple of weeks the scariest thing that I have ever had to deal with we are going to go through together. You have a cyst on your face and it has been growing so much that the doctors have recommended to have it removed. So you will be having surgery, but Dr. Morales has been recommended by another plastic surgeon who was our home teacher in our old ward. It is a simple procedure but at the same time it is surgery and it scares me. You have become my everything. I have loved spending every day with you since June and seeing you grow and become your own person. You are an amazing daughter, a delightful little sister and I know that when you baby brother is born you are going to be an awesome example to him.

Love you to the moon and back,

your Mommy

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