Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The neighbourhood hang out

My home has become the neighbourhood hang out for all of the kids. I think this has happened for a couple of different reason. 1) I have the most kids in the complex so it is easier to just have other kids over here then send all of my kids over to another house and have then destroy that home too. 2) Half of the kids live with single mothers and Jason has become the "dad" to most of them and even call him dad at times too. 3) I have a big fat "I don't care" tattoo on my face so the kids get away with almost anything. (no illegal or dangerous activity better be going on in my home and if I find out it happens you are done.)

So as such of a result of such reasons my home has also become the place where working mothers send their kids after school to make sure that homework gets done and a snack is served and the child is kept safe (LOL safe in my house, that is so funny). Well I really wish that I was not such a nice person and said "Um, you realize that I only have my kids Monday, Thursday and every other Friday? Meaning I really would rather not be watching your kids for free on the days when my kids are not here because I do enjoy the peace and quiet too." I also have this problem with the fact that in a few weeks there will be this new creature living in our home called a baby. It would be nice if I did not have my house filled with germs while my little one is still so little. How do I nicely tell my neighbours "go find another schmuck to dump your kids on"?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is there a tattoo on my forhead?

This morning I woke up and was actually out of bed before 9. It was actually just after 8 when the kids are taking off for school. M & B were gone already going around the neighborhood collecting the kids to walk to school together. C was sitting at the kitchen table about to pour milk into his cereal bowl. Luckily I was able to have him stop because his wonderful sister who's one and only household chore is the dishes has not done them in 3 days and the dishwasher is even loaded all she had to do was turn it on!

I then went to turn on the TV for C & A and the TV was on a different channel than what it was when I turned it off. We have a rule in our home of no TV before school. They can read, do homework, heaven forbid catch up on their chores. But no!

Also now that M is 12 The Husband decided that it was time for a cell phone... again. Two rules 1) always have it with you 2) always have it turned on. Well rule 1 is followed pretty well rule 2 hardly happens. I am so tired of the disrespect M has for her father. She sits there and asks for responsibility but once given hardly ever follows through.

I love these kids but man it makes life really hard when I want to do nice things for them and they turn around and break rule after rule.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just thoughts

So as a family we went to Disneyland for Halloween Time. B's birthday is today so we got him a pin that says it's his birthday and he wore it every day. M for her birthday present and because she knew we were planning this family trip decided to wait to recieve her present from me and The Husband until she got to Disneyland and had a studio 365 make over. Man was she cute! Unfortunatly they also gave her a birthday pin and it totally took away from B's Thunder. The next day both kids wore their birthday pins and everyone said Happy birthday to M but nothing to B. M was also asked to lead the disneyland Big Band with Mickey and was able to take special pictures with him and everything. B sat quietly in the background doing nothing as his sister once again took the thunder from his birthday. Later that day I made The Husband take the kids to Jedi training where they select children fromt he audience to go to jedi training school and the kids get to fight Lord Vader or Darth Mal. B was chosen from the audience and went through the training and got a diploma and everything. But for some reason I was not happy enough with that. After training was over I took him over to a little stand and bought him a new light saber. He freaked out over this becasue he was not expecting it at all and I got him the one that make noises and everything. We aslo went and looked at the pictures and I let him pick out one for his room. Made his day! So after 2 days of sharing the light with M I was able to turn a whole day into just him and his special birthday. The crazy part about all of this is that you could see it on his face that he was sad but he always got excited for M when she talked about her makeover or her leading the band. Not once did he let her know he was sad that he was having to share. That little boy is such an example. He is truly a free spirit that loves everyone and does not understand why people hurt each other. I love how he plays with A an is such a big brother to her and always wants to teach her things and play games with her.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Abby

Dear A,

I am so lucky to be your mother. Every day you surprise me with something new you have learned. You are catching on to sign language like the words eat, more and please. You help me with the laundry by pushing the buttons and you are so good at helping me fold the laundry and listening to my "no-no" when you start to unfold the laundry. It cracks me up when you insist on sitting on the potty before our morning shower. You will hide things behind your back to try and sneak them out of the room. You independence inspires me, but your need for morning snuggles melts my heart. I love how every time I ask you what sound an animal makes it is always "rawr". Right now you are learning to put on your own shoes and feed yourself with a spoon and fork. You love to feed the rats in the morning with me and feed them at night with daddy. You know the names of each rat and will point to them as we ask you which one is which. Miss A, you are such a tease! You love to hide in the bathroom cupboards and play with mommy's makeup. We brush our hair and our teeth together in the mornings. At night daddy has to tuck you in or you have a fit. You laugh when Daddy and I call you CorLyn and come running. You love to tackle Daddy and have tickle wars. Lately you have been obsessed with blowing your nose and will bring someone a roll or toilet paper to give her some. You think you are one of the big kids and are outside keeping up with them every step of the way. You love everyone you meet and every person always says you have touched them in such a special way.

In a couple of weeks the scariest thing that I have ever had to deal with we are going to go through together. You have a cyst on your face and it has been growing so much that the doctors have recommended to have it removed. So you will be having surgery, but Dr. Morales has been recommended by another plastic surgeon who was our home teacher in our old ward. It is a simple procedure but at the same time it is surgery and it scares me. You have become my everything. I have loved spending every day with you since June and seeing you grow and become your own person. You are an amazing daughter, a delightful little sister and I know that when you baby brother is born you are going to be an awesome example to him.

Love you to the moon and back,

your Mommy

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Being Sick

So the past couple of days I have felt kinda dizzy and not really up to doing anything. I just told myself that it's because of this new diet I am on and I am detoxing from soda and my body is flushing out all of the bad things. Well today at work I was especially dizzy and by the time lunch rolled around I figured I should eat something to help with this spinning head thing. About 20 min after lunch I got sick and when you get sick you leave work. I really hope that I don't have what C had last weekend. that would just be miserable and knowing we are leaving tomorrow for California makes me even more not want to have whatever it is that is making the world turn around me and my tummy do flip flops.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sick C

So today we are supposed to go to and egg hunt, but no C stayed up ALL night eating junk food because The Husband just let him and now I am stuck at home with a throwing up child. It wouldn't be so bad it he would just use the bucket but that is a dream. The bucket is right next to him and he is still throwing up all over the floor. So here is where the wicked step mother comes out. I have no problem helping him out and getting the bucket and rubbing his back while he is throwing up in the bucket but after he just let it go all over the floor I was done! The Husband was called and told to come home. I will not put up with sickness all over the floor.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I figured it out...

I have subscribed to so many blogs lately that it is hard to keep up with them all, but I have noticed a pattern. I would say 90% of them are photography blogs. I have this strange obsession with photography. I want to be a photographer for national geographic, that would be my ultimate desire and before I met Jason that was my plan. I was going to go to school to be a photographer and somehow work my way into photojournalism and eventually travel all over the world to take photographs of children in Africa playing in the tall grass, or in India playing in the rivers. I want to travel to the North Pole to photograph polar bears and the south pole to capture penguins at play. It is an unhealthy obsession really. If I could I would spend thousands and thousands of dollars to decorate my home in places I have never been that some day I will go to just to take pictures. Well in looking at these families and these places on the blogs that I now follow I realized at that moment something is being created. something that will last "forever". At that moment I was let into a strangers world and they shared their happiness or sorrow or peace with me. That is why I love photography so much. There is a beingness that you have. an in the moment clarity to capture just the right story to share with the world or maybe just your neighbor when they come into your home.

Monday, March 15, 2010

White Trash

So apparently I am "white trash" I love it that a person that I have met once and have welcomed into my home has labelled me "white trash". This coming from the fact that I am having a birthday party for my child that is turning 1. He went off about how I can probably not even afford it and I should not even be celebrating her birthday because she will not remember it anyway. First of all I can afford this party. After looking at having an "Under the Sea" party at the aquarium and REALLY not being able to afford it I realized wait this is a party for her brothers and sisters more than her. What can I do that is cheap but they will enjoy. SWIMMING! So I can decorate the room myself and use it how I want to use it. 15 bucks isn't so bad for an hourly rate to have a private room and the kids can jump off the diving boards. But because according to some guy who has met me once I live pay check to paycheck and can't even afford the private room. Well last time I checked I was just fine financially and you sir are the one with rusty cars in you front yard.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Journal entry... Just the basics

So I went to Hawaii to be able to relax and get my head back together. Well it did nothing for me... It was raining and windy the whole time and as beautiful as it is when you can't leave your condo except to find a place to stay out of the rain the plans kind of blow up in your face. My sister is going to Hawaii in May for M's birthday and I think I might go then, if I can afford it...

A is getting so big. She loves walking with her little walker toy. She is crazy fast at it and tries to take a step but still not quite ready. I finally decided to do her party at the rec center. The party is mostly for the kids so I needed to do something fun. $15 an hour for a room is so much better the $200 for an hour and a half in a sunken ship at the aquarium. We are still going to do the Aquarium just not reserve the sunken ship room. The penguins are going on display on March 26th. I AM SO EXCITED!!! That is one of the reasons I was thinking about doing the party there but it was just too much to spend on a first birthday when the birthday child will not even remember it.

I got in a car accident on my birthday. Stupid cell phones!!! People, DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE! This lady was totally not paying attention and slammed right into the back of me. She admitted on the scene that she was messing with her phone and was issued a citation. I was taken in ambulance to IMC where they never checked me in and forgot about me until the cop showed up 45 min later. OOPS! Ya strapped to a backboard, with a neck brace on, can't move calling for help because the dumb nurse didn't give me the little remote to call with was a great thing. I LOVE my birthday. For some reason it is a day when everything goes wrong. Luckily this year is the last birthday I will ever celebrate, I turned 29 and that is how old I am going to stay FOREVER! So almost 3 weeks later I am still dizzy and my vision keeps going blurry and my head is killing me. Wonderful world of fibromyalgia mixed with your basic whip lash, a combination that prevents me from healing like the average person. Well good news it I get to do water therapy, bad news is water mean swim suit and I still look horrible a year after having A.

On Tuesday B came home from visitation crying and all quiet. Psycho told him that he is just like me and The Husband. Well The Husband and I are "going to live with Satan" her little self righteous way of saying we are going to Hell and reminds the children of this every chance she can. So now B for the first time has been told that he is going to Hell. What type of psycho mother would tell her 8 year old child that he is going to Hell? Now the kids are being told by their grandma that the meds that Psycho takes make her mean and she doesn't know what she is saying. WELL... If this is true does the mother realize she has been saying horrible things about people for years now and maybe all of the lies she has said about The Husband were because of the meds? So maybe if the family of this crazy psycho would have listened to The Husband 7 years ago all of this pain would have never been caused to the children and Psycho would have gotten the help she needed when the problem very first presented itself. But then again if they would have gotten her help then I would not have The Husband and the most precious baby in the whole world.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Is a rainy windy place...


Check out this giveaway!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Attorney General

If you know anything about the custody situation of my stepies (my oldest 3) Their mother is the definition of a dead beat parent. Well we just got the best letter in the world The Attorney Generals office is going after her to pay child support !!!

A 9 months


The Husband finally had enough of the kids fighting and doing nothing around the house except play Wii and watch the Television that he decided "NO MORE!" We no longer have a TV in our front room and already the fighting has decreased by 50%. I am super excited to try this new experiment because I have been trying for some time to cut the Wii time and the TV time but The Husband is such a boob tube addict that it was next to impossible to enforce the rule and keep his addictions fed ;) So the TV is now in the master bedroom so The Husband can get away and watch his shows and play Wii without the kids getting glued to it. I'll keep you posted on how this next week goes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Make it and love it

Make it and love it is doing a give away of one of my favorites blogs I follow. click on the button and enter too!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hidden blessing

There is a girl at my work who I love to death that recently lost her baby. She had just announced it to the team that she was expecting and w/in a week the heartbeat was gone. She had a Molar pregnancy ( her case she had 2 sperm enter 1 egg. I keep on complaining about A keeping me up at night and her stubbornness. Today my friend asked me how I'm doing and I said "tired, A has been sick and is not sleeping well" She looked so sad. All I could think of saying was "Maybe I should count my blessings". She smiled and took off. Here I have this beautiful baby that drives me crazy because she is so dang smart and all I do is complain about never being able to sleep and my friend would do anything to be able to have the same complaint. I do love my baby even when she is teething and has a runny nose and refuses to take naps so she cries and cries unless you hold her. The worst part is as A is getting closer to her first birthday The Husband and I are talking about when to have a second child and my friend has to wait a year to even try again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I am selling Scentsy to get the product at a better price. Only problem I am NOT a sales person and hate pushing things on people. I LOVE Scentsy. It is the best alternative to a candle in the world. Mine is on all of the time. I would love to get some opinions on how to broaden my clientel (sp).

Monday, January 11, 2010

bright eyes

I love this little girl!!!


Today The Husband and I went with C and A to the Church Distribution Center to buy some things. As we were there wondering around trying to find out sizes and checking out scripture prices (because we have still not bought B his scriptures for his 8th birthday) and looking at wall art of the Temples to hang in our home (someday) C started to get a little antsy. This is the following conversation...

Co: Sarah, Sarah. My eye is broken!
Me: (not even looking at him) Oh know which eye?
C: This eye, Sarah.
Me: (still not looking) well cover up the other eye so that one can get strong and get all better.
C: But Sarah, it's broken I won't be able to see where I am going.

Little crazy boy...

Happenings of the week...

Last night I went to the ER. I am fine. They did a CT scan if my abdomen and nothing appeared out of sorts. I went to the ER because I was in my kitchen getting a drink of water for C and there was suddenly a sharp shooting pain the knocked the wind out of me and I fell to the floor. It was in the area of the appendix so we waited about an hour and it happened a couple of more times and so we took off. Again nothing was wrong just some stupid pain with no answer.

I am getting my IUD taken out tomorrow. I am slightly nervous because I do not want to be a mother again right now. Eventually sometime this year we will be trying for another baby but not right now. The reason I am getting the IUD removed is I have been reading up in it an I am not the only person that has gone crazy. Mothers have noticed an increase in mood swings, depression where medications no longer help, extreme tempers, and inability to loose weight. I am tired of weighing anywhere from 160-180 lbs depending on my water retention of the day. I was 180 at the time Miss A was born and 9 months later I still feel pregnant. So long story short in the next few months I am probably going to be expecting another child.

I have decided that I really want to do clothe diapers but no one in the world of child care will do the clothe diaper thing. Next baby I am definitely going to try the clothe diaper thing. The Husband and I have already agreed that I get to stay home after the baby is born and I will be able to not worry about what day care providers are annoyed with my choice to be a hippie. Maybe if I just get a couple and use them on Miss A when we are at home and use disposable when we are out and about. One of the big things is the amount of laundry that you have to do. Well I have 3 other kids to do laundry for, what is 1 more load going to matter?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Going green

I have a friend that told me about gDiapers. today I am going to go look at them at babies r us. Maybe some day I will get the guts to go semi clothe. Kinda scared to make the change though.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

F/up from yelling at the kids

So the children told their teachers what their mother did yesterday. M is terrified that her mom is going to find out she told her teacher what happened. I told her to not worry because her mom will think it was me and The Husband that did it. I have also scheduled an appointment for M with Mary Kay, our WONDERFUL family counselor. She is AMAZING!!! I think the best part is that the children trust her 100%. They have no fear with her. How can a person hate themselves so much that they treat an inocent child so horribly?

Monday, January 4, 2010

This is why this blog is private...

So today The Husband had court. Psycho now has visitation until 8:30 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Psycho is to be given the children after he has been at work for 4 hours but here is the funny part... The Husband is only allowed to contact her through email. The woman does not own a computer let alone have the internet. Her parents do not have a computer at their home so if The Husband were to even try and say it's been 4 hours come get the kids he can't because she has no way of receiving the emails. Oh and did I mention this was HER request. Also she does not have a full time job and she has not filled for Social Security Disability and she was supposed to have one or the other done by the 31st of December. This woman gets away with everything! I am so sick of Utah and the stupid bias towards mothers. She is sick in the head and has no clue what reality is. She has seizures and lies about them to get a drivers licence.

After court today Psycho went to the school and started yelling at the kids. Telling them that they need to stop listening to me. That I am evil. Miss M started crying during her recess and all of her friends started asking what is going on. B was upset because he was pulled out of a soccer game to be told to stop listening to me. This whole thing is pure crap! B said something that set off Psycho and it was all taken out on the kids. Come to find out the whole thing is because I went and got C a build a bear gift card for Christmas and funny thing is we were at the mall at the same time. I am a liar because if I had actually been there she would have felt my evil spirit. BAH!!! Evil spirit THIS!!!

So finally tonight I asked the kids if there was something I can do to be a better parent. B said I cook more. M said you can't be better I like you the way you are. Makes me feel good that they say simple things like that.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today I changed diaper bags and discovered a rather large stash of quarters in one of the pockets. I started thinking "why do I have so many quarters?" Then it came to me, if I ever have a quarter I aways throw it into a pocket on the diaper bag so when we go have dinner with The Husband at the mall they can have a quarter to get a treat from one of the quarter machines on our way back to the car. Why do I do this? I remember always wanting to get a toy or candy from the quarter machine growing up but never did. I know it's pretty much a wast of money but there is something about the fun a child has knowing they were good at dinner and earned the quarter and get to look at each little machine to pick out the perfect gum ball flavor. Oh the simple joys in life a quarter can bring.

Friday, January 1, 2010


We are riding in the van and C and B are in the back. B is playing his DS that he recieved for Christmas and C is really trying to get him to pay attention to him and not the DS. The following conversation takes place...

C: I am sexy. B do you think I'm sexy?
B: Sure whatever.
C: B, do you think you are sexy?
B: Yes.
C: Do you think I am sexy?
B: Yes.
C: B, you is so GAY!!!

She does have Hair!!!

Miss A's hair stands up ALL of the time. She has this nice little puff ball on the top of her head. So because she is always being called a he I decided to try putting little pig tails in her hair. BARELY worked...

She looks like a little bug, LOL.