Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Temple Marriage

So Mr. J and I are not sealed in the temple like most Mormon families. We will get there some day but right now is just not going to happen. One of the big complaints that Mr. J has is that people go to the Temple, a place were HF and Jesus visit, to be sealed and were sexually active with each other before marriage (a no no in Mormon standards) or find themselves in Vegas on their honeymoon where they drink alcohol (another no no). Now to each their own, BUT don't go acting like you are better than me because "you were sealed from the start". At least I can say I have been honest in my dealings with HF.

Now this has been on my mind a lot lately because some women in my life who have been sealed in the temple to their now eternal spouse are miserable in their marriage.
Example marriage 1: husband will not watch child if wife is working BUT she has to work because he will not get health insurance for the family through his place of employment. They have 1 child that has more health problems than I can think of. Mom is the person that calls in sick to work on a weekly basis because dad is "too busy" to take his child. Come to find out dad is just out playing on his 4 wheeler. Also it is common knowledge that this husband in the marriage often visits establishments where clothing is optional for the employees and wife likes to get her drink on with her girlfriends. YET this person is always talking about how wonderful her family is and all proud that they get to be "Together forever"

Example marriage 2: This couple has been married for 10 years. They have 2 children. They "messed around, and probably should not have been married in the temple". (direct quote from the wife) She is the bread winner of the family. There would literally be no food on the table, roof over there head or clothes on their back if it was not for her job. He controls all of the money. In the past year it has come out that he has been emotionally unfaithful, meaning he didn't have "sex" with the other woman but things were said pictures were sent and he was caught. Since then he has done nothing to prove his sorrow for what he did. He continues to tell his wife "if you would put out then I would not have looked somewhere else". He refuses to find a job that brings in a little more financial comfort for his wife and children and on many occasions I have had to leave his presence because his topic of conversation has been down right wrong on more levels than one. I have heard him talk down to his wife in front of their children. Then when he confronted me about being friends and I told him I really don't want to be your friend he told be to F off. But once again They have an "Eternal Marriage" so even after all is said and done they will be together forever.

Example marriage 3: This couple was sealed after a year of civil marriage. He uses the fact that he is the priesthood holder in the family to get her to agree to the things he wants. He has a "pornography problem" that she has been denying for quite some time now and has now stated to effect the ability to pay bills. Their life is one financial crisis after another and they are always her fault.

Now I know these are just 3 separate marriages but all 3 wives stay in the marriage after years of this not because they love their husband but because they are sealed to him. It is my understanding that in a marriage you should be partners. One is not better than the other. Both should be emotionally invested in making the marriage stronger. Also in a temple marriage if one of the people that have made this covenant has chosen to not keep said covenant doesn't that make the whole thing kinda null and void. So when a man or woman has chosen to seek sexual gratification from someone other than the person they are married to, and feels that they have done nothing wrong, and does not seek out the repentance process in accordance to that of their religion (in this case LDS) does that not mean that those covenants made in the temple at time of sealing are now void? If so then why after years of putting up with the lies and deception do these woman still feel the need to fall back and say "I made a covenant"?

Thoughts are welcome...


  1. Glad that I am not a bishop.
    Glad to know that HF will take care of all of these MESSED up people! Because they can lie all they want here, but they can not to HF. And yes, so they have a forever marriage, but I hope they have their spray bottle and sun tan lotion, because it's hot where they are going to be spending their eternal marriage...just saying. NOT JUDGING IN ANYWAY...JUST SAYING....

  2. Amen. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a bad marriage. It is not my temple sealing that keeps me in it. It is my HF who sees the grand plan and lets me know that I need to stick with it and grow together as a couple.

    I agree that too many women stay in marriages that they shouldn't stay in. If one person in the relationship breaks their covenants and chooses not to repent, that eternal sealing isn't eternal any longer.

  3. I freaking love you. I was in one of those marriages for 7 years. My only regret is that I didn't leave sooner, and therefore took 2 kids through a divorce. I agree with the previous post, once you break those sacred temple vows, you are no longer bound to the laws that govern them, and no longer eligible for the blessings they bring. I beleive that if you are honest with yourself, your spouse and your God that you are more worthy for blessings than any one who has been through the temple. As for the couples you mentioned, I feel sorry for them, their childrena dn their families. They are only lying to themselves. It is hard to walk away, but staying in an unhealthy relationship is poisonous and has horrible reprocussions on their children. Um...I may have ranted...sorry. :)
